


M.E.S.H: Mission Completed

Köln, 18.09.2015 – Teilnehmer aus zehn Ländern versammelten sich beim diesjährigen M.E.S.H Camp in Berlin. Mit Kontakten, Know-how und Vorträgen zu allen wichtigen Themen rund um das Gründen im Gesundheitsmarkt versorgte das Camp Start-ups für den Kampf am Markt. Highlights waren die Auftritte von Entrepreneur Dr. Daniel Kraft und Biohacker Tim Cannon aus den USA. […]


Operation Zukunft: Daniel Kraft zu Gast bei M.E.S.H

Köln, 02.09.2015 – „The Future of Medicine“: Der Arzt und Health Innovator Dr. Daniel Kraft spricht auf dem Start-up-Camp Medical Entrepreneur Start-up Hospital (M.E.S.H). Am 10. September haben Gründer die Chance, den Wissenschaftler live in Berlin zu erleben. Welche Qualitäten braucht ein Start-up, um technologisch disruptiv zu sein? Daniel Kraft, selbst vielfacher Gründer und Pionier […]


„Be disruptive“: Interview with Tim Cannon

What is your advice for start-ups in the healthcare sector? In a recent interview for MISC Magazine’s article entitled “Hacking the Body to Hack the System: What Healthcare can Learn from a Biohacker”, my colleague Ryan O’Shea (who will also be a part of M.E.S.H with me) brought up the great point that the medical […]


Daredevils wanted: Pitch & win at M.E.S.H Camp

Show some guts and show up on M.E.S.H stage! Present your start-up idea to investors and healthcare experts and fight for your transfusion of up to 3.000€. DocCheck Guano awards the winners of the pitch competition with cash and glory. But hurry up, comrades, only limited pitching possibilities available. Don’t be cowards – pitch! How? […]


Call for start-ups: 6.000€ prize money

You wanna present your health start-up concept – and win 1.000€, 2.000€ or 3.000€ to realize it? Apply for the M.E.S.H 2015 Pitch Competition and convince our jury! Goal: Pitch your start-up in 5 minutes. Be ready for a 2 minute Q&A round. Needed: A presentation. A voice. And your will to combat. Process: 1. […]


M.E.S.H Camp 2015: Early bird tickets available now!

Last year, M.E.S.H had its debut and it was a huge success: 150 participants, 20 mentors, 12 start-up pitches, 10 international speakers, and loads of fun.Anyone who’s ever tried to launch a start-up knows how hard it is. It takes all you’ve got to succeed. DocCheck Guano AG together with its sponsors organises a 1.5 […]


Summer Mixer with DocCheck Guano

Save the Date: Wednesday, 24th June Fire your imagination: The cold startup cuisine is hard to stomach, so why not dig into something hot and inspiring? Visit our food truck and enjoy some delicious seeding bites. Guano and DocCheck will be at the Berlin Health 2.0 summer party, right at the heart of Kreuzberg, in […]


Save the date: Next M.E.S.H. offensive in September!

Soldiers at the ready! On 9 and 10 September 2015, group leader DocCheck Guano is hosting the M.E.S.H. Camp for the second time. This year’s member of the healthcare division is biohacker Tim Cannon. His mission: the fusion of humans and technology. His approach: developments that get under your skin… Get ready for roll call! […]


innovate.healthcare Hackathon

innovate.healthcare is a Hackathon for people willing to disrupt the healthcare industry with progressive ideas and creative thinking. Here, you are given the opportunity to work on a real world challenge which is curated from submissions from individuals and industry partners. You can rely on a strong team of coaches during the event helping your […]


Gelandet: Jahrbuch Healthcare Marketing 2015

Frischer Wind im Healthcare-Markt: Unser Geschäfte-Macher Philip Stadtmann ist mit einem Beitrag im aktuellen Jahrbuch der Healthcare Marketing abgedruckt. Im Artikel „Wie Start-ups den Gesundheitsmarkt revolutionieren“ nimmt er die Fährte von Gründervögeln auf und zeigt, welches Potenzial das Thema Healthcare für Start-ups und Investoren birgt. Lest mal rein!

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Herausgeber: DocCheck Guano AG mit Sitz in Köln.

Namen der Vertretungsberechtigten
Vorstand: Dr. Frank Antwerpes (CEO), Philip Stadtmann

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fon: +49 221 92053-200
fax: +49 221 92053-133
home : www.guano.ag


DocCheck AG
Corporate Communications
fon: +49 221-92053-139
fax: +49 221-92053-133
eMail: presse@guano.ag

Helmut Rieger (Vorsitzender), Thilo Kölzer (stellv. Vorsitzender), Tanja Mumme

Aktiengesellschaft mit Sitz in Köln
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Köln HRB 79727
Bildquelle Blaufußtölpel: © David Santiago Garcia / BIOS / OKAPIA

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