


Infantry, listen up!

M.E.S.H camp has news for you!

I.) Survival of the fittest: Pitch for cash!

You survived the field kitchen, listened to speakers, struggled in workshops… and still want more? DocCheck awards the best M.E.S.H participants! Get your a** in gear and fight for your transfusion of up to 3.000 €. Where? M.E.S.H Training Ground When? 18-09-2014 // 10:00 // 10:30 // 11:30 How? Present your start-up in a 5-minute-pitch // Fight for r€d blood cells

II.) Drills your skills: Jon Michaeli

// has worked in digital health for 3 1/2 years, bringing 15 years of prior experience at innovative web and mobile companies
// holds a BA in Economics from Tufts University and an MBA from the Anderson School at UCLA
// most recently was SVP, Global Community and Marketing for Sermo – WorldOne
// repositioned and rebuilt the platform as a destination for crowdsourced clinical tools and resources
// orchestrated numerous strategic partnerships with stakeholders in the health ecosystem
// achievements served as catalysts to increase Sermo’s penetration from 120,000 to 270,000 physicians (40% of the U.S. market) and helped lay the groundwork for expansion to other global health markets

III.) Drills your skills: Ulli Jendrik Koop

// founder and CEO of XLHEALTH, an investor for Digital Health start-ups
// envisions the future of Digital Health to enhance personal responsibility in health, by providing access to health related information and capacitating users to make better decisions
// worked for CompuGroup Medical, one of the leading eHealth companies worldwide
// gathered both strategic and operational expertise throughout Europe and the United States
// studied in Shanghai, Aachen and Vallendar & obtained a Master’s degree from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

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DocCheck AG
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Helmut Rieger (Vorsitzender), Thilo Kölzer (stellv. Vorsitzender), Tanja Mumme

Aktiengesellschaft mit Sitz in Köln
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Bildquelle Blaufußtölpel: © David Santiago Garcia / BIOS / OKAPIA

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