


Startuppers introducing themselves: PharmAssistant

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1. How has your business been running in the last year?

We started our company in May, and since then we’ve been accomplishing all the milestones we’ve challenged ourselves to reach.
We’re developing a smart pill box, connected to a mobile app that alerts people when it’s time to take their medication.From validating the idea, testing the business model, creating and iterating the prototype we are currently testing it with a pharma company.

2. What has changed since Mesh Camp?
At Mesh Camp we had just arrived in Berlin to be part of Bayer’s acceleration program Grants4Apps. A lot has changed: from our solution that is more mature to our team that has grown, and the most important: our network of partners and clients has been consolidated.

3. Did you take some good ideas from the Mesh Camp into your daily work?
Mesh Camp has been really useful to improve our perception of the health industry in Germany and how it works. During the program we had the chance to talk to representatives of insurance companies and doctors. This has given us interesting insights to the subject and business area.

Besides this, it was super cool to see how you can take a topic that can be perceived as complex (and even boring) like healthcare and make it fun, entertaining and even informal but still providing the message in a straight and interesting way.

4. Are you connected with some people at Mesh Camp?
Since we have worked with them during the G4A acceleration program, we were already connected with Cortrium, Qompium and Parica Teams’, Christian Angele and Christoph Sollich (the pitch doctor).
Anyway, Mesh Camp is definitely a very good chance to meet people that understand your pains about growing a business. We met inspiring and driven people. For sure, Mesh is a great opportunity to see you LinkedIn network getting wider.

5. Is there any exciting story to tell?
We have lots of stories, for sure. Are you asking about Mesh Camp in particular? We can only say that it was a lot of fun, we met a lot of interesting people and we can definitely recommend it to the startups in the health space, wanting to know more about the German market.

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